Solar roof system existing system with 221 kWp
ID: PBu-DE-PV221/1190365
#Solar #Photovoltaic #ForSale #Magdeburg #SachsenAnhalt #Germany
Solar/Photovoltaic Magdeburg for sale Germany | Solarfläche mit 221 kWp zu verkaufen

Solar/Photovoltaic for sale
€ 232 617 (≈ US$ 243 000) net price
DE-06420 Magdeburg
Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Contact owner
€ 232 617 (≈
Rohertrag: ca. 9,5% Rendite
4 % of the purchase price plus VAT/TAX
Available ab sofort
System type: Roof system (existing system)Technical commissioning: September 2021
Grid access: August 2022
Lease term: 20 years with two 10-year extension options
Lease amount: 80 euros/kWp for 40 years, included in the purchase price
This modern rooftop system offers an attractive and stable investment with a guaranteed lease term of 20 years and extension options that ensure profitability over 40 years. With a forecast yield of 9.5% p.a. and a fixed feed-in tariff of 7.5 cents per kWh, the system is ideal for investors who value long-term planning security.
Location (approximate): Magdeburg
The exact address will only be provided on request
The exact address will only be provided on request

Leaflet | OSM
Gross yield forecast: Scenario with 7.5 cents per kWh and an expected return of 9.5 % p.a.Disclaimer
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